Quick Links
Lindfield Public School
Website: https://lindfield-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/
Phone: 02 9416 1903
Lindfield Public School is the school the LAC operates from. Please use the number above to contact the school if needed.
NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate, Department of Education and Communities
Website: https://education.nsw.gov.au/early-childhood-education
Phone: 1800 619 113
The Department, through the Early Childhood Education Directorate, administers several programs and funding streams designed to meet the goals of the National Partnership Agreements on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education and the National Quality Agenda. If you have any major complaints about our service, these can be made to the ECECD at any time.
Website: http://acecqa.gov.au/
ACECQA is the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Association. ACECQA provide national leadership in promoting quality and continuous improvement in early childhood education and care and school age care in Australia. Find out more about children’s care and education in Australia, as well as the new National Quality Framework that Normanhurst OSHC operates under.
Department of Education NSW
Website: http://www.dec.nsw.gov.au/
The NSW Department of Education website can assist parents in understanding more about the services provided for children and young people from early childhood to youth advocacy and support. It includes direct information in regards to childcare services.
Network of Community Activities
Website: http://networkofcommunityactivities.org.au/
Network is dedicated to the advocacy, promotion, resourcing and development of play, recreation and leisure activities for 5-14 year olds.
Ku-ring-gai Council
Website: https://www.krg.nsw.gov.au/Home
Ku-ring-gai Council offers a range of fun activities for children and families throughout the year, while also providing information and support.
Other Useful Resources
Health and Nutrition Resources
Safe Food Practices - http://foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/foodsafetyandyou/keeping-food-safe
Guidelines for Healthy Eating - https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/guidelines
National poisions information - National Poisons Information 131 126 - Poisons Information Brochure
Asthma – http://www.asthmaaustralia.org.au/
Allergies and anaphylaxis - The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Diabetes – Diabetes Australia
Head lice - NSW Health
Sun protection – Cancer Council NSW
Australian immunisation register – Immunisation in Australia
Sydney children’s hospital - Sydney Children’s Hospital fact sheets
NSW health for public health information – NSW Health
Reach Out - https://au.reachout.com/
Child Support Resources
Inclusion support agencies - Inclusion and Professional Support Program
My Gov- My Gov
Triple P Parenting Program - https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au/au/free-parenting-courses/fear-less-triple-p-online/?gclid=CjwKCAiA3pugBhAwEiwAWFzwdc7CCdAypQFmiS5qW_RKv7PRQZ35rH0-HjCxffWTWRv9aL06PSkCVRoCa0IQAvD_BwE#au-parents-register-now
Raising Children - https://raisingchildren.net.au/