Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I send emails to lacentre@outlook.com or info@becklyn.com.au
A: The only time you will need to email Becklyn is for issues relating to fees or CCS. Otherwise, please email lacentre@outlook.com for all other communication.
Q: What do I need to do if my child is sick or is not attending?
A: Absences will still be charged. You can log into Becklyn and mark you child as absent before 9am on the previous Friday. If you miss this cut off, you need to call or email the centre BEFORE 2.30pm to let us know they will not be attending
Q: What do I do if I need someone else to pick up my child?
A: You need to email the Centre and advise us of the person’s name and contact number. This person must be an authorised person as outlined on the enrolment form. If this person is not an authorised nominee on Becklyn, please email the centre with the individual's full name. This person will need to bring in identification.
Q: What do I do if I am going to be late to pick up my child?
A: If you expect to be late picking up your child in the afternoon please phone the Centre to inform us of the situation as soon as possible. If you pick up your child after 6pm you will be charged an additional $1 for every minute past the hour. If the parent or guardian is unable to be contacted and the children have not been collected Chatswood Police Station will be contacted.
Q: How do I book my child into the Centre?
A: If it is the first time your child will be attending the Centre you will need to enrol your child through our system Becklyn. This can be done by emailing the centre, and we will send you a link to begin this process.
Q: How do I cancel a permanent booking at the Centre?
A: If you wish to cancel a permanent booking, you are able to do this by logging onto Becklyn and using the booking calendar. You will only be able to make changes or cancellations before the previous Friday at 9am.
If you miss this cut off, please email the centre so we will make the change/cancellation. If you miss the cut off, you will be charged for that week's session.
Q: How can I pay my fees?
A: Invoices for fees are send out every 2 weeks. 2 days later, the funds will be directly debited from your account. The schedule for this can be found under the 'Becklyn' tab on our website.
Q: What if my invoice is wrong?
A: If your invoice is incorrect, please email info@becklyn.com.au outlining your concern.
Q: What is the procedure to allow my child to attend extra-curricular activities whilst at after school care?
A: An 'Extra-Curricular Activities' Form will need to be completed and processed at the centre before your child can attend extracurricular activities during after school care. This will need to be filled out on a term-by-term basis, or whenever circumstanced change.